Transmission Electron Microscopes JEOL JEM-ARM200F, JEOL JEM 2010F, JEOL JEM 2010
Sample Preparation Room
Computing Facilities: TEMography software for 3D STEM/TEM Acquisition, Reconstruction and Visualization; WIEN2K; EELS Advisor.
JEOL JEM-ARM200F sub-Angstrom microscope
- Ceos sextupole Cs aberration corrector on the probe for 0.64 Å STEM
- 40-200kV cold FEG emitter with 0.27eV energy spread
- BF/MAADF/HAADF detectors
- GIF QuantumER with advanced STEM EELS spectrum-imaging package, dual EELS capability, hardware high speed upgrades for up to 1500 spectra/sec
- EDS Centurio with 100mm2 SSD detector res 127eV
- WAC camera for diffraction analyses
- dry pumping system
- installed into an active insulated lab
JEOL JEM 2010F Ultra High Resolution microscope
- 200 KeV FEG emitter
- Gif 2001 with advanced STEM EELS spectrum-imaging package
- BF/HAADF detectors
JEOL JEM 2010 High Resolution Microscope
- 200 KeV LaB6 emitter
- LN2 EDS Oxford x-sight 6498 res 136eV
Sample Prep Rooms
- Gatan PIPS-II with oil-free vacuum system and cryo-stage
- Gatan PIPS with oil-free vacuum system
- Gatan DuoMill600 with oil-free vacuum system
- Fischione Model 1020 plasma cleaner
- Gatan dimple grinder
- Gatan ultrasonic cutter
- South-Bay diamond saw
- Diamond paper grinding system
- FIB single beam (provided by STMicroelectronics)