Antonio Mio
PhD in Physics
Electron Microscopist @ CNR-IMM
post-doc, BeyondNano Sub-Angstrom group.
Address Zona industriale strada VIII n.5
City Catania State/Region Italy
ZIP Code 95121
Phone +39 095 5968 244
email antonio.mio [at]
Antonio Mio obtained his Degree in Physics (Condensed Matter Physics) at the University of Catania in 2008, developing part of his thesis activities on atomic cooling at the European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy in Florence. He was also student at Scuola Superiore di Catania (University of Catania), where he graduated magna cum laude in 2009. In 2012 he got his Ph.D. in Physics, working on “Crystallization of Amorphous Chalcogenide Nano-Regions and Test-Structure Fabrication for Non-Volatile Memories”. His research activities mainly concern: chalcogenide materials for PCRAM, Silicon and Germanium nano-structures for micro and nano-electronics, amorphous-crystal transition in nano-structures. In particular, he investigates structural, morphological and chemical properties by transmission electron microscopy (S)TEM. He is author and coauthor of several publications in international journals (JCR) and he has presented the results of his work at important international conferences. From November 2012, he is involved in Beyond Nano Project with a 2 years fellowship.